“We’ve never gone to court”

Shoulder to shoulder with Vetipak, never leaving our side: that’s where you can always find Rob van Seumeren from Van Iersel Luchtman Attorneys. The attorney believes that’s the best way to help us achieve our goals. Five questions, five answers.


Is that how you work with Vetipak?

“Absolutely! As a legal sparring partner, I have close contact with the board and other managers at Vetipak, so I feel like a fully fledged member of the Vetipak team. That close relationship helps me to give better advice. I not only understand all the small print in contracts; I also know what’s going on in the market and what the company is working on, and where to spot risks and opportunities.”


Can you tell us a little more about the partnership?

“We’ve been Vetipak’s attorney and legal advisor for years now. One of my jobs is to evaluate the commercial contracts with Vetipak’s clients. That’s very detailed work, because I examine the performance and quality standards, delivery term agreements and all other terms and conditions. I review, write and edit to make sure that everything is legally watertight. And one of my colleagues or I play a role when a new line is set up, or if Vetipak has questions about real estate issues, because they also involve some important agreements.”


Do you ever have exciting courtroom cases?

“No, fortunately we’ve never had to go to court. And that’s a good sign, of course. That’s because we communicate and record all of our agreements in advance. And if something does go wrong, then Vetipak is always eager to find a solution. So we can always avoid going to court, which saves us a lot of time, energy and money.”


Does that make your work less challenging?

“Absolutely not, because this is an amazing company that works for the leaders in the market, in the Netherlands and abroad. And to be honest, contracts for major European players are just more fun, because they appeal to the imagination. I recognize all of their brands from my own shopping cart. And the contracts are fascinating and challenging from a legal perspective.”


Finally: what is something that’s typical about Vetipak?

“The exceptionally pleasant informal contact, and how fast they react when things need to be done. I hope that I’ll be able to stay by Vetipak’s side for a long time to come!”