Five trends in confectionery co-packing

The world around us is continually changing. That's why it's smart to take a fresh look at our industry’s future. Fontys Business Administration graduate Florian Smits researched the trends that will change the co-packing of confectionery in the coming years. He explains five of them.


Trend 1: e-commerce

In recent years, e-commerce in the US has shot through the roof. The phenomenon is also growing enormously in Europe. Thanks to the coronavirus crisis, this development is accelerating even faster, as more and more people do their grocery shopping and order products online. So you can be sure of a significant increase in the digital consumption of confectionery in the coming years.


Trend 2: personalized packaging

Personalized packaging is a unique way for a brand to engage consumers. Most consumers are also willing to pay extra for unique packaging, for example to surprise a friend. Personalized packaging therefore also creates added value at the individual product level.


Trend 3: sustainability

Trends in sustainability and sustainable packaging will continue in the coming years. For example, the use of plastic will continue to decline and governments will require the market to use even more recyclable materials. At Vetipak we are already thinking about what we can do in this respect, not only tomorrow but in the more distant future as well. 


Trend 4: healthy snacking

Snacking is a habitual behavior. However, an increasing number of consumers have opted for healthy snacks in recent years. The rise of Generation Z (people born between 1995 and 2010) is playing a major role in this trend. As a result, the confectionery segment is shifting increasingly towards healthy snacking. There are plenty of opportunities for co-packers there too!


Trend 5: consumption on the go

These days, people are always on the go and on their way somewhere. This makes smaller packages ideal, since it ensures that people can still consume products as they go about their hectic daily lives. And in turn, this means more packaging materials. It’s an interesting trend, because it clashes in some respects with the industry’s sustainability ambitions.


Ready for the future!

At Vetipak, we respond to these trends wherever we can. In doing so, we make sure that we look further than tomorrow. This is the best and only way to prepare ourselves for the future of co-packing!


Fontys Business Administration graduate Florian Smits researched the trends that will change the co-packing of confectionery in the coming years.